Tuesday, August 16, 2011


When designing route combinations for the sprint out game, you need to remind the WRs the time it takes for the QB to rollout to his passing position.  Routes need to lengthen to fit the timing of the rollout.  A great rule of thumb is “get covered early, and open late”. The backside WR also needs to “get into the QB’s view” if he wants to be a viable option.
The QB’s drop needs to gain depth THEN sprint out. A poor drop results in a bad throwing angle. The poor drop affects the CURL route more than the FLATS route.

Next, when he gets into his throwing phase, you need to tell him to be ready to throw the FLATS route or the CURL route. This is the only time, I don’t coach R4 principles.
QB throwing to the FLATS route.

I just think it is real tough to ask the QB to get his shoulders square to the CURL route then redirect to the FLATS route.

QB throwing to CURL route.

The QB’s sprint results in first his shoulders square to the FLATS then to the CURL. When it is a SMASH concept then R4 principles can be applied.

When only running a two man concept, the third option is the threat of the QB run. The great aspect about sprint out is that the QB’s momentum gets him an easy scramble mode. One piece of advice I give my QB is to know where the defenders drop and when possible run to the drop zone of a defender is running away from you. The best scenario is the FLATS zone. The QB can get to the edge, away from the defense’s best tacklers and duck out of bounds to avoid “unnecessary roughness”.
Another point for the QB is after the throw is made, he should “follow the throw for two to three steps. This helps accuracy of the throw and gets the QB into running mode too. To help avoid contact from any rusher, you need to tell the QB to “peel” after throw.
When facing a rusher peel, or run away from contact!
Finally, when sprinting to the left, make sure the QB snaps his shoulders as he makes the turn after his sprint form the pocket.

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