Sunday, January 5, 2020

FIND A WAY by Kenny Simpson



This is my impression after reading "Find A Way" by Kenny Simpson. He cares about all facets of coaching. Not just the winning, but building relationships with the community, parents and staff. The book is great blueprint for successful program. "Find A Way" contains ten informative chapters.


Getting the Job
I got the job... Now What
Sharing the Vision
Grow your Program
Decide, Delegate, Depart
There is no Off-Season
Building a Staff
X's and O's or Jack's or Joe's
Mistakes I made

The book begins by Coach Simpson giving a short family history. He was part of a military family which means moving a lot. I'm sure he learned to be flexible! Coach Simpson wrote about his strong connections. A highlight of the book was the Father-Son Retreat that was started by former Coach Ronnie Peacock.

More information can be found at his website. 
Coach Simpson has done an excellent job posting small portions of his book on his Twitter feed. 

I will highlight my favorite nugget from each chapter. 

Chapter 1: Getting the Job
Coach Simpson is very detailed about the key tips before the interview. Biggest takeaways are be prepared... not to talk about your playbook and be articulate when talking to the interview panel which often consists of people that don't have a large football IQ.

Chapter 2: I Got the Job... Now What?
Real easy... Sell Your Program! Through Social Media and special nights that involve the parents.

Chapter 3: Sharing the Vision
Creating a mission statement can help set the tone. Make sure it is broad and all-encompassing. 

Chapter 4: Grow your Program
This chapter provides some helpful tips on youth football, which can be challenging!

Chapter 5: Decide, Delegate and Depart
One of my favorite chapters! It outlines the need to find support for a successful program. The head coach can't do it all!

Chapter 6: There is no Off-season
Coach Simpson breaks down weight training into basic information. But I think it was more that basic! He breaks it down into five parts:  Mental Toughness, Injury Prevention, Discipline, Winning Attitude, and Consistent Participation. 

Chapter 7: Building a Staff
A tough assignment! Coach Simpson is able to rank the importance of individual positions. 

Most important aspects are 
Assistants that are LOYAL!
Assistants that know THEIR "why"
Assistants that know YOUR "why"

Chapter 8: X's and O's or Jack's or Joe's
Every part the game is highlighted from PAT to how to watch opponent's film. 
Make sure to highlight the 5 points on page 60! 

Chapter 9: Mistakes I made
It takes a brave man to admit his mistakes... It takes a courageous man to write them in a book! Kudos to Coach Simpson!

Chapter 10 summaries the book. A few quotes...

"Be aware that your words you carry a lot of weight, and you are being watched by lots of eyes. I've had players come back and share stories of some of the things I've said that they still remember, and I didn't even realize at the time what I was saying or doing even really mattered to them."  

So true!

This book is a great addition to any and all coaches! Find A Way to buy it soon!

Coach Simpson has started a YouTube channel with some great content.

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