Just when a coach thinks they have seen everything... BOOM. Another hidden gem appears on the World Wide Web. Let me introduce Coach Chris Parker. Coach Parker has provided some excellent insight on his website .
Who is Coach Chris Parker?
119 pages of information! It is truly a boy's dream, since we all know that boys are visual learners.
The Book is divided into sections.
Part I: The Basics
Part II: Quads and flipping the Strength
Part III: Over
Part IV: Same but different
Part V: The "T" sets
Part VI: Bonus!!!
Oh, by the way, Part VI has 36 more non empty formations.
Each page has a great layout. At the top is the diagram followed by the information including:
- What is unique about this formation?
- What problems does this formation give the defense?
- Notes
What I really loved about the book was the box of goodness titled,
"What plays did Coach Parker like out of this formation?"
Coach Parker's answered varied:
- No Motion
- If they over-adjust to Quads
- If the TE side is better
- Strong side attack
- Weak side attack
- Jet Motion Series
Each diagram had at least 4 answers, so do the Math. 400 answers. But alas, no play diagrams. (The title is 100 EMPTY FORMATIONS...not plays... maybe a sequel is in the works?)
Here is the layout.
I can't really say which are my favorites... So many choices! I will say I liked "Part IV: Same but different." Diagrams 75-82. What do they look like? Buy the book and find out!
I did message Coach Parker for some film. Enjoy!
It's not all PASS
And more....
Overall, a great book. Well designed. A ton of information. I'll wait for the sequel of diagrams. ;)
Coach Parker can also be found on Twitter.
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