Monday, September 5, 2011


For those of you that have a game plan sheet that rivals the size of a bulletin board or the Oregon sideline boards...

Here is a handy table. Adapted from The R4 Book authored by Coach Slack and Coach Maddox.


C         ATTACK
0          DEEP
1          AWAY
2          MIDDLE.STRONG
3          WEAK
4          FLATS 

Cover 0 attack DEEP on Rhythm

Cover 1 attack AWAY from deep single safety

Cover 2 attack the MIDDLE and STRONG SIDE

Cover 3 attack WEAK away from middle safety

Cover 4 attack the FLATS

Using this chart add what concepts you use to exploit each coverage.

Great Video

Thanks for Sharing Coach Hoover!

If you face a 3-4 team this is a great video to watch.

1. You set the defense's strength THEN ATTACK their weakness!

Example: Run at the weakside OLB and pass at the strong side OLB

Thanks for unlocking, Coach Hoover!!

Boise St. Shifts and Motions from Barry Hoover on Vimeo.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Coming soon

Will the season underway, posts will be shorter...more This has worked for us or what I have college football games I get to watch!

I'm working on SPRINT OUT SMASH.

I'm anxious to see Notre Dame and Oregon spreading it out this weekend!!