Saturday, February 24, 2018

Coach Bank's newest creation!

This is the time of year where we as coaches get a chance to find out ways to grow in our profession. It's the clinic trail!
Here are some things to get you going…

FIRST, I did a podcast with Ron Mckie, Episode #7.

You should check out his website RON McKIE FOOTBALL!

Coach McKie has THREE weekly podcasts you can listen to as well. 

I just completed my first CoachTube Course. 

Here is quick preview...

The price is $9.99.

But for all our readers I have a 20% discount code: highspeedspread 

What is your favorite thing you have learned so far this clinic season? 

Please share! WHERE?

  • Below in the comments 
  • Join the Twitter Conversation and tag us @tbanks1906 @dacoachmohuddle @shotgunfball

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