Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Something different for Lent

Instead of giving UP something for the Lent, I decided to give on FACEBOOK. Here is the list.

Day 50: All good things must come to an end....
YOU must go and find the next one #make your own luck #pay it forward
Day 49: TALK more and TEXT less on this TUESDAY.

Day 48: Filth breeds Filth (#BNM quote) SO SWEEP the CORNERS

Day 47: The best ways to attain your goals are to write them down and tell people.

Day 46: Successful people never stop learning.

Day 45: Sometimes to be comfortable you have to make yourself do something uncomfortable...

Day 44: The road to success is always under construction.

Day 43: Hard work builds character and humility, as well as some calluses to remind you.

Day 42: Don't like your lane? YOU can always put on your blinker and CHANGE your LANE.

Day 41: Work SMARTER not HARDER Day 40: Be sleek not sloppy on this Sunday

Day 39: Get outdoors today!

Day 38: "Free your mind and the rest will follow"

Day 37: The pursuit of happiness should not include $ signs.

Day 36: Surge through your struggles

Day 35: Don't run from your may be running from the solution!

Day 34: If you are either UNWILLING or UNABLE... be ABLE, then WILL yourself to change!

Day 33: YOUR excuse is INVALID

Day 32: You gotta wanna #BNM quote

Day 31: Profanity is the lack of intelligence #BNM quote

Day 30: It's not healthy to have HATE in your heart

Day 29: Don't jump to conclusions; you might SPRAIN your BRAIN 

Day 28: PREPARE to Succeed and you will!

Day 27: Do #OneThing extraordinary for someone that is feels ordinary.

Day 26: Holding a grudge will give you a brain cramp... release it, let it go, and feel better

Day 25: You are never too old to act silly

Day 24: Negative Thoughts NEVER result in Positive Outcomes.

Day 23: Perfection is a process that requires sacrifice, dedication, and honesty.

Day 22: Want something? Step 1 MAKE a PLAN. Step 2 GO get IT!

Day 21: Make someone LAUGH today, it feels great and is calorie free!

Day 20: When you keep a warm heart, the weather forecast is always sunny.

Day 19: You need to truly SACRIFICE to reach your goals.

Day 18: Learn today by listening to someone.

Day 17: Focus Friday... finish one task before you start another.

Day 16: When you keep making ATTEMPTS, you will NEVER FAIL.

Day 15: Never complain that your feet hurt...

Day 14: Take on this Tuesday and tell someone how thankful you are for their friendship.

Day 13: Marvel on this Monday, don't make it moody.

Day 12: Trust yourself and you will be able to finish anything you start.

Day 11: Disconnect from tech and reconnect with a human.

Day 10: Talk to someone that you normally don't...You may be surprised and learn something!

Day 9: Hard Work doesn't go unnoticed; those who truly care (to you) appreciate you!

Day 8: "Be quick BUT not in a hurry" John Wooden

Day 7: You are AWESOME! Now go tell someone that needs it more than yourself...

Day 5: Why is so hard, for so many to realize, It is the WINNERS that work HARDER, work LONGER and as result PERFORM BETTER!

Day 4: To achieve anything in life, you must first believe in yourself!

DAY 3: Another one of my base LIFE ideals is The Fish Philosophy.

Day 2: Surround yourself with POSITIVE and HAPPY people
and in return you will be POSITIVE and HAPPY.

DAY 1 Positive: My favorite philosophy, ADJUST and PROCEED.


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