Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No Huddle Offense to Conserve Energy

I picked up my copy of Coach today and ran across the aforementioned article. The author Chris Metcalf discusses the benefit to running a no huddle based upon saving your quarterbacks legs throughout an athletic contest.
He took the average distance a quarterback would have to travel from the has to the sideline and back again throughout a game. He also added the distance a quarterback would have to travel to the LOS throughout a game and came up with some staggering results.

If a qb runs to the sidelines 40 times per game the qb will have traveled .93 miles during the game.

If a qb runs to the sideline 50 times per game the qb will have traveled 1.16 miles during the game.

If a qb runs to the sideline 60 times per game the qb will have traveled 1.40 miles during the game.

If a qb runs to the sideline 70 times per game the qb will have traveled 1.63 miles during the game.

If a qb runs to the sideline 80 times per game the qb will have traveled 1.86 miles during the game.

After I read this I ironically received an email from a colleague of mine who was discussing the merits of proper foot attire for a football player. In is his email, he told me that for every step you take when you are running the impact on your legs is 3 to 6 times the amount of your body weight. This point got me thinking about if we asked our qb to run to the sideline 40 times during the game what the actual poundage his legs would take throughout the contest.

In order to this I needed to find out the average number of steps it would take a person with a three foot stride to complete one mile of running. Through my research I found the average number of steps is 1,760 for one mile of running. I then decided to take the mean of 3 to 6 times a person body weight in order to calculate the poundage. And lastly I decided to use 170 lbs as the average weight of a quarterback who would be running back and forth to the sidelines to get a play from the OC.

1,760 steps in a mile
4.5 times a persons body weight per stride
170 lbs Average weight of a qb

170 x 4.5= 765 lbs per step
765x1,760=1,346,400 Total poundage exerted on body

Think about the total damage you putting your qbs body throughout a game if you are not incorporating the no huddle into your attack.

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