Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stealing your opponents practice time

As an OC I am huge proponent of stealing the opposing DC's practice time during the week.
We run the following things throughout the year to steal upcoming defensive coordinators practice time.

Pole Cat

No Huddle-Scan and Warp Speed

Swinging Gate

Bruce Eien's BYU

Unbalanced Wildcat set

5 Wide Punt w qb

And a lot of motion and shifting

In the past 52 weeks I have coached in 36 games as an OC and a Head Coach
We have averaged 35 points per game and won 80% of the aforementioned contests.

Does anyone employ these tactics in their game planning?

Here are some clips for some of the stuff above:

Here is a link to see the unbalanced stuff:

Here is a link to see the Polecat stuff:


  1. How can you do all of that "well"? I agree it makes it tough to defend ALL of that, but I am doubtful that you do all of that well. I can't argue with your one statistic, but there are a lot of other things that might contribute to your wins. I would like to get more reps on our off tackle iso play let alone add in all thing we do is use some shifts and motions...and we run the same play from a lot of different formations, both runs and passes to avoid tendencies. We don't no huddle, but sometimes we will practice 2 or 3 plays as a package and then run them without huddling.

  2. Most of the sets use the same base plays. As the weeks go on then new wrinkles are added. So you do get to practice the base plays just some new formations that don't affect the assignments too much OR don't require much new teaching...

  3. Coach-I don't understand why you think we can't accomplish all of these things. We have a plan in the summer and we adhere to it. Most of the things we do are very simple and cost us very little time in practice to accomplish them.

    Here is a link to see the unbalanced stuff:

    Here is a link to see the Polecat stuff:
